Air Quality | EarthSense | England
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Zephyr® Air Quality Monitor Meets MCERTS Performance Standards

Our Zephyr® air quality monitor is officially compliant with indicative MCERTS for particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10).

Our Mission

To seamlessly provide the most detailed global air quality information, showing real-time exposure and actionable future forecasting to optimise decision making and mitigation, for the betterment of human health.


Of the world's children

breathe toxic air every day

[World Health Organisation]

$5 trillion

The global economic

cost of air pollution 

[World Bank]


Of all lung cancer deaths in adults are attributed to air pollution

[World Health Organisation]

4.2 million

Estimated deaths from ambient air pollution every year

[World Health Organisation]

MappAir® - An Introduction to Air Quality Modelling Technology

MappAir® - An Introduction to Air Quality Modelling Technology

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