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EarthSense Improves Calibration Efficiency with New Reference Station at Zephyr® Manufacturing Site

EarthSense, the air quality specialist, has collaborated with partner, Enviro Technology Services Ltd., to install an air quality reference site at its Zephyr® manufacturing facility to boost efficiency and scalability of sensor distribution.

Air quality sensors calibrating at reference site
Zephyr® air quality sensors calibrating at new reference site

EarthSense has worked with environmental monitoring supplier and Zephyr® distributor, Enviro Technology Services Ltd (ET) to build a government standard air quality reference station at the manufacturing facility for its Zephyr® air quality sensor.

The latest reference station improves productivity as units are manufactured and instantly deployed for calibration and validation at a single location, avoiding any unnecessary journeys through previous reference points and further improving the pace of deliveries to Zephyr® users. Users can now receive and install sensors to measure near government standard air quality data at a faster rate.

ET has constructed the reference site with a high specification data logger that generates measurements of gases and particulates such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3 ) and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) every 10 seconds, with data transmitted to EarthSense servers every hour. Measurements ensure calibrated Zephyr® sensors are providing reliable, validated air quality data before being sent to users around the world.

Paul Norman, UK Sales Manager at ET, said: “Working alongside EarthSense to establish a reference station at the Zephyr® manufacturing site has demonstrated innovative ways in which we can help to provide trustworthy air pollution information. Not many other low-cost sensors have their own reference site that permits units to be regulated as efficiently as Zephyr® sensors.

“We’ve made certain to include additional room within the enclosure to provide more reference instrumentation as sensor capability expands. We’re confident that as air quality sensing evolves, we can ensure the provision of additional measurements for EarthSense sensors.” continued Norman.

Dr. Roland Leigh, EarthSense Technical Director, said: “We identified an opportunity to construct a reference site at the Midlands-based manufacturing facility and provided ET with parameters for a personal bespoke enclosure. Enviro Technology built a 2m2 enclosure exclusively for our Zephyr® sensors.

“We are fortunate to be able to work with companies like ET as it means we have the privilege of providing stakeholders with the relevant resources to accumulate the most efficient, highest quality air pollution data. We’re always on the lookout for ways in which we can improve our air quality measurements for our customers,” continued Leigh.

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