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EarthSense Partners with Marec to Deliver Air Quality Monitoring in Central America & The Caribbean

Writer's picture: EarthSenseEarthSense

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

EarthSense, the air quality specialist, today announces a partnership with air quality, emission, and combustion monitoring system provider, Marec, as a distributor of Zephyr® air quality monitors.

shipping port
Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica

The newly established partnership sees Marec as the Central America and Caribbean distributor of Zephyr® monitors to a wide range of businesses from shipping ports, cargo, landfills, tourist locations and power plants. The EarthSense air quality monitoring tools require little infrastructure to operate and are easy to install, opening opportunities for companies interested in monitoring ambient air in locations where air quality levels are not regularly recorded.

Marec will also offer Zephyr® monitors to shipping port organisations to ensure air quality meets the Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports’ (INCOP) environmental compliance standards. Marec has deployed a sensor at Puerto Caldera to monitor real-time emissions and has since used sensor data to monitor and ensure pollution levels are within safe guidelines. By installing units at additional ports, Marec can highlight ports that require improvement to reduce emissions.

EarthSense Managing Director, Tom Hall commented on the partnership: “Working with Marec to distribute Zephyr® monitors into Central America and the Caribbean means we’re able to offer an affordable option for businesses operating in areas where air quality may not be widely understood. Zephyr® monitors are a tool which can be quickly and easily deployed with a small amount of infrastructure, by using street furniture such as lamp posts and street lighting or used as a mobile tool by attaching to bicycles or cars to identify local air quality levels or exposure throughout journeys taken.”

Hall continued: “In addition to offering units to new geographies, extending our offering into new markets, such as companies working at shipping ports or landfills, means we can work to better understand how pollution behaves when related activities are carried out, and identify strategies to reduce the likelihood of gases and particulates reaching unsafe levels. Doing this ensures those working in the area or living nearby can live healthier lives and lower the risk of experiencing adverse health impacts.”

The compact Zephyr® air quality monitors record real-time ambient air pollutants including nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and particulate matter PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, together with measurements for temperature, pressure and humidity. Available with third party communication capabilities for monitoring of environmental parameters including meteorological conditions, rain fall and noise, external factors which may be having an impact on air quality levels can be identified and evidence-based mitigations put in place.

Available as an all-inclusive subscription, the monitors come with access to MyAir® for users to identify and analyse measurements, and complementary MappAir® modelling data for the country in question for a wider understanding of areas unaccounted for. Utilising the hardware, software and data provided by EarthSense, Marec customers can understand harmful gas and pollutant emissions from sources contributing to pollution levels, identify hotspot locations and pollution-heavy hours.

Marec President, David von Boisman said: “The Earthsense monitors and air quality modelling capabilities are an exciting complement to the reference grade analysers we’ve been working with in the past. There is very little air quality data available in the region and now we can offer the Zephyr® as an affordable way to collect data, to help authorities quantify the impact on the health of the population and start working on solutions.”

Marec has plans to use Zephyr® sensors by working with laboratories and private schools to provide data about localised levels and what this means for individuals’ pollution exposure. Customers will also have the option of purchasing sensors to trial and test lowering strategies.

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