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Our team is passionate about the air we breathe and believe more information is required to enact change and improve health around the world. 

Meet the Team

EarthSense_Tom Hall (5).jpg
T O M  H A L L 
Managing Director
EarthSense_Roland Leigh (3).jpg
R O L A N D  L E I G H 
Technical Director
Greg Lewis (3).jpg
G R E G  L E W I S
Head of Sales & Marketing
EarthSense_Owen Gardner 1_edited_edited.jpg
O W E N  G A R D N E R 
Head of Operations
EarthSense_Robin Bailey (3)_edited.jpg
R O B I N  B A I L E Y 
Head of Technology
EarthSense_Sam Brocksopp (3).jpg
S A M  B R O C K S O P P
Lead Software Engineer
EarthSense Dave Green (4).jpg
 D A V I D  G R E E N
Senior Business Development Manager
EarthSense Megan Halliday _WIX FIX.jpg
M E G A N  H A L L I D A Y
Support Coordinator
EarthSense_Isaac Mitchell (2)_edited.jpg
I S A A C  M I T C H E L L 
Air Quality Modeller
EarthSense_Vincent Jackson_(1)_edited.jpg
V I N C E N T  J A C K S O N
Software Developer
EarthSense_Sam Grocock (3).jpg
S A M  G R O C O C K
Software Developer
Oliver Crask (3).jpg
O L I V E R  C R A S K
Air Quality Modeller
EarthSense_Lizzie Atkin (2)_edited.jpg
L I Z Z I E  A T K I N
Air Quality Modeller
(KTP Associate)
EarthSense Marcuz Fedrizzi (2).jpg
M A R C U S  F E D R I Z Z I
Electronics Engineer
EarthSense_Stephen Jones (2)_edited.jpg
S T E P H E N  J O N E S
Firmware Developer
EarthSense_Niamh Sandy (12).jpg
N I A M H  S A N D Y
Marketing Executive
Janet Philip_WIX FIX.jpg
J A N E T  P H I L P
Account Executive
EarthSense_Pablo Garcia_(2)_edited.jpg
P A B L O  G A R C I A 
Senior Air Quality Modeller

Our Values

Thought Leader

We introduce disruptive technologies to accelerate sustainable urbanisation.

Passionate About What We Do

We genuinely care about the air we all breathe. We're here to make a difference for future generations.

We Care About Our Customers

We look after our customers and ensure they are delivered the best service that we can provide.

Collaboration Is Key

We work closely with all our peers, to achieve shared goals

Exceptional Innovators

We look forward, seeking new and improved solutions, keeping abreast of new technologies.

Join our team - we're recruiting!

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